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The Coordinating Council for Productive Development (COSDEPRO): An example of Local Governance and Multilevel Coordination in Bolivia

Guidance and systemization of experiences

This document may know firsthand the main lessons learned from the process of joint work between the Ministry of Productive Development and UNDP-ART Bolivia, where we collect the consolidation of an innovative experience in local governance and multi-level joint program.

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Related Publications

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Available in Español

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Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

Delivering the Goods: Building Local Government Capacity to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals

Available in Español

How can local development programmes (LDPs) build the capacity of local governments and local organisations in order to improve their performance? This guide presents lessons and guidelines for local...

Developed by United Nations Capital Development Fund...

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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