Concept notes and papers , Available in Deutsch
The newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize that global development issues, including poverty and hunger, will not be solved without leadership. A dedicated goal (SDG 11) focused on cities and human settlements, calls for the leadership of local governments, yet the role of local actors extends beyond achieving the SDG 11. This briefing sheet aims to describe the importance of cities and human settlements in attaining all 17 goals by 2030. It is divided into 17 separate briefs, providing the major cross-cutting links between sustainable development, urbanization and local governance.
Available in English Deutsch
This document has been drafted at the request of the Committee of the Regions, for the Fifth Assises of Decentralised Cooperation (Brussels 10 and 11 July 2017). It offers an evaluation of the relevan...
Developed by European Parliamentary Research Service...
Posted by Local2030
Concept notes and papers
Available in English Deutsch
This document seeks to extract patterns and lessons from the various Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) published until the date to offer a practical handbook with which to offer a common guideline for fu...
Developed by Carnegie Mellon University Heinz College
Posted by Local2030
Tools : Monitoring and Evaluation