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Roadmap for localizing SDGs in Asia Pacific


The Roadmap for localizing SDGs is a tool for local governments to participate and strengthen their role in the achievement of the SDGs in Asia Pacific. This short document provides key figures, example of adaptation and the main steps to localize the SDGs. The main users are local Leaders, local Planning Managers and local Top Management as it can be used as a tool for planning and evaluation.

Related Publications

Implementing the New Urban Agenda and SDGs: comparative urban perspectives

Available in English

These ‘City Briefs’ are based on the inception phase of Mistra Urban Futures’ comparative project: ‘Implementing the New Urban Agenda and The Sustainable Development Goals: Comparative Urban Perspecti...

Developed by Misra Urban Futures

Posted by Fabienne Perucca

Case studies and best practices

Connecting Universities to Regional Growth: A Practical Guide. A guide to help improve the contribution of universities to regional development, with a view to strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion, in a sustainable way

Available in English

This EU Guide “Connecting Universities to Regional Growth” has been designed to enable public authorities to promote the active engagement of universities and other higher education institutions in re...

Developed by European Commission (EC)

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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