Guidance and systemization of experiences
SDG 16 is about peaceful and inclusive societies. This goal calls on local governments to become even more responsive to the communities, making sure no group is excluded. In an increasingly urbanizing world, reducing violence in urban areas will be increasingly important in the quest for global peace and security. Learn about the role of local governments to achieve SDG16.
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On the 6th of August 2018, the South African SDG Hub at the University of Pretoria launched the publication Implementing the SDGs in South Africa: Challenges and opportunities. In this publication, co...
Developed by South African SDG Hub, University of Pre...
Posted by Willem Fourie
Case studies and best practices
Available in English
This publication is a culmination of presentations, discussions, and lessons learned during UCLG’s “Regional Workshop on SDG Learning Agenda for Local Government in the context of South-South and Tri...
Developed by United Cities and Local Governments (UCL...
Posted by Local2030
Case studies and best practices