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Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Concept notes and papers

While the SDGs do not explicitly target financial inclusion, greater access to financial services is a key enabler for many of them. By reviewing the research on the link between financial inclusion and development, this working paper shows where and how financial services can help achieve the SDGs. It concludes by outlining opportunities for businesses and governments to expand financial inclusion in emerging countries by digitizing cash payments of wages and transfers.

Related Publications

The Roles of Civil Society in Localising the Sustainable Development Goals

Available in English

In January 2016, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) replaced the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as the main international mechanism for guiding development in all United Nations member stat...

Developed by African Civil Society Circle and KonradA...

Posted by Local2030

Concept notes and papers

Final report - Regional Conference “Social Inclusion and (Re-)Integration through 2030 Agenda and SDGs” Brdo, Slovenia, 17-18 April 2018

Available in English

The “Regional Conference on social inclusion and (re)integration through 2030 Agenda and SDGs”, took place on 17 and 18 April 2018 in Brdo, Slovenia focusing on the challenges in bringing 2030 Agenda...

Developed by Network of Associations of Local Authori...

Posted by UN-Habitat Local

Concept notes and papers

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