Case studies and best practices , Available in Español Français
A situation assessment of seven Latin American and Caribbean countries has been carried out in terms of their situation regarding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), identifying the lines of action and sectors with the greatest positive impact. The document contains a guide to help companies integrate SDG into their strategy, with examples of concrete actions and tools.
Available in Español English Français
This report summarises the results of a global mapping exercise of local authorities’ M&D practices conducted by the Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI). The study is based on the consul...
Developed by Joint Migration and Development Initiati...
Posted by Joanne Irvine
Concept notes and papers
Available in Español English Français
The text aims to support the process of planning the development of municipalities within the framework of the 2030 Agenda. Although written for Mexican municipalities, its content may be useful for a...
Developed by Instituto Hacendario del Estado de Méxic...
Posted by Ady P. Carrera-Hernández
Guidance and systemization of experiences