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Meeting of Regional Governments: "A Territorial Agenda for the SDGs: Learning between regions". Document of conclusions

Concept notes and papers , Available in Español

This document presents the conclusions of the First Meeting of Regional Governments on Sustainable Development. Through this declaration, the eleven governments regional participants in this first meeting commit themselves to the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations to continue advancing in the global debate on sustainable development. They also highlight that the achievement of the SDGs depends on the capacity of local and regional governments to promote territorial development, as well as launching an Alliance that includes both the local government and the private sector, civil society, universities and other actors linked to sustainable development. In this regard, they underline the importance of coordination to build an action plan with the SDGs at the regional level.

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Concept notes and papers

Integrated territorial partnerships and the SDGs: How to leave no one behind. Conference paper conclusions

Available in English Español

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Concept notes and papers

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