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Toolkit for localising the Millennium Development Goals

Guidance and systemization of experiences

The purpose of this toolkit is to develop capacities of local governments and their communities to ensure a strong MDGs focus in their local development strategies and effective and efficient conversion of public funds into public benefits. The toolkit draws on the ample evidence of creative local strategies for achieving the MDGs across the globe.

Related Publications

methodological elements for the elaboration of the report on the situation in sustainable development

Available in English

L France is committed to sustainable development by signing its promotion by public policies in the Charter of the environment, backed by the Constitution and operationally by the enactment of laws to...

Developed by Ministère français de l'Environnement, d...

Posted by Catherine Vachia

Tools : Monitoring and Evaluation

multilevel governance for regional development: a case study of the Intermunicipal Consortium of the Border

Available in English

Given the complexity that have taken social and intergovernmental relations in the contemporary scene, no classical theories are more able to explain the interrelationship in the claimed amount. The t...

Developed by Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Para...

Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

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