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Shaping a new generation of decentralised cooperation for enhanced effectiveness and accountability

Concept notes and papers

New trends in decentralised cooperation offer a major opportunity for local and regional governments (LRGs) and communities to jointly develop innovative approaches to improving people’s lives. The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the development effectiveness principles adopted in Busan are the roadmap for these new partnerships. These are the key messages presented in a new Study ‘Shaping a new generation of decentralised cooperation for enhanced effectiveness and accountability’, which has been developed by the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) and the Basque Government, under a Strategic Partnership Agreement signed between PLATFORMA and the European Commission. According to the Study, decentralised cooperation has evolved to meet strengthened standards of effectiveness and accountability while fostering policy coherence. This has been possible thanks to the innovative features that decentralised cooperation partners have introduced regarding flows, partnerships and actions, as well as coherence, transparency, monitoring, social control and accountability.

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Migrants’ Integration as a Pre-Requisite for Development: The Role of Cities

Available in English

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Posted by Joanne Irvine

Concept notes and papers

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