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Localizing the Millenium Development Goals: A guide for local authorities and partners

Guidance and systemization of experiences

This guide has been developed to help inspire and guide local authorities to implement activities at the local level aimed at achieving the MDGs. It was designed to bring the MDGs “home” – to make them achievable on a familiar and manageable scale. UN-HABITAT implemented projects to support “Localizing the MDGs” in nine countries, where this guide was used.

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Assessing the Institutional Environment of Local Governments in Africa

Available in English

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Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

Recommendations to integrate the SDGs into local party manifestos

Available in English

In order to develop a coherent and structural policy for sustainable development, elected officials have to know the SDGs and use them when developing policy goals and actions. Therefore, VVSG has dev...

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Tools : Raising Awareness

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