Guidance and systemization of experiences
The city of New York Voluntary Local Review (VLR) highlights NYC’s sustainable development achievements since 2015, using the SDG framework to translate NYC’s local actions to a global audience, with a focus on the five priority SDGs for the 2018 HLPF. The VLR was written by the NYC Mayor’s Ofice for International Afairs in partnership with the Ofices of Operations, and Climate Policy and Programs, and in consultation with relevant NYC agencies.
Available in English
The seminar “Integrated territorial partnerships and the SDGs: How to leave no one behind” (14th June, venue: Basque Government Delegation to the European Union- Brussels) examined how local and regio...
Developed by Basque Government- Gobierno Vasco- Eusko...
Posted by Camila De
Concept notes and papers
Available in English
The Municipal Performance Mandala is a "radar" type chart, which shows the degree of development of the Municipality according to 4 dimensions: economic, social, environmental and institutional. Twent...
Developed by Confederación Nacional dos Municípios e...
Posted by Santiago Martin
Concept notes and papers