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Urban Mobility and the Sustainable Development Objectives

Case studies and best practices

Urban mobility is presented as a cross-cutting theme in all ODS, with the aim of broadening the visualization of impacts and qualifying debates and integration of objectives and goals.

Related Publications

Localization of the SDGs: Experiences and Lessons learned from Tuscany

Available in Português

In 2015 the Region has started an overall effort of research, analysis and classification of Tuscany’s territorial cooperation experiences in view of better structuring and capitalizing on its decentr...

Developed by Renna Monica

Posted by Monica Renna

Guidance and systemization of experiences

Agenda Knowledge for Development. Strengthening Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals

Available in Português

This Agenda for Knowledge Development is designed to complement the SDGs by providing an integrated approach to knowledge-related challenges that directly influence the achievement of the SDGs. It pre...

Developed by Strengthening Agenda 2030 and the Sustai...

Posted by Local2030

Concept notes and papers

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