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Sustainable Development Goals Report Provinces 2017. Adaptation process.

Case studies and best practices

The adoption of the SDGs as a roadmap is an essential tool for government management planning and a facilitator of the coordination and articulation of public policies between the Nation and jurisdictions throughout the country. This report reflects the growing will of a country, at all levels, to build a more just and equitable society, and to join a global partnership for development. The Report presents, as of December 2017, the advances in the implementation processes of the ODS of the provinces of Jujuy, Tucumán, Salta, Corrientes, Neuquén, San Juan, Tierra del Fuego and the South Atlantic Islands and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires .

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Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

Promoting Local Economic Development through Strategic Planning: Local Economic Development (LED) series Volume 1

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Posted by Local2030

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