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The Contributions of Marine and Coastal Area-Based Management Approaches to SDGs and Targets

Guidance and systemization of experiences

The report analyzes a selection of area-based management approaches to support the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources using 25 case studies from around the world. It aims to provide policymakers and practitioners with the tools and inspiration to use area-based management approaches to support the SDGs. It presents evidence from an analysis of 12 different types of area-based management approaches that contribute to or are aligned with the SDGs and how each approach contributed to 45 SDG targets identified as being relevant to ocean management.

Related Publications

GPS GUIDE. Sustainable Public Management.

Available in English

The GPS Guide is offered as a training material for municipal managers and civil society organizations of Brazilian cities, to support them in the implementation of plans and identification of indicat...

Developed by Programa Cidades Sustentàveis

Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

Final report - Venice City Solutions 2030 - Financing the SDGs at local level

Available in English

This document gathers the conclusions and recommendations by participants to the “Venice City Solutions 2030 – Financing the SDGs” that took place in Venice, Italy on 16th and 17th November 2018. Th...

Developed by UN-Habitat, UNDP, UNCDF, UCLG

Posted by UN-Habitat Local

Concept notes and papers

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