Concept notes and papers
The Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Goal11, one of the 17 SDGs, is about all of these dimensions, with a specific focus on urban areas and settings. This synthesis report is the first publication showing the progress, challenges and opportunities of global monitoring of this Sustainable Development Goal. This report complements the 2018 Secretary-General’s Progress Report on SDGs which shows progress in the form of story lines, and the 2018 Secretary-General’s first quadrennial report on progress made in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
Available in English
Urban mobility is presented as a cross-cutting theme in all ODS, with the aim of broadening the visualization of impacts and qualifying debates and integration of objectives and goals.
Developed by Confederação Nacional de Municípios (CNM...
Posted by Isabella Santos
Case studies and best practices
Available in English
By identifying in what areas progress needs to be accelerated or existing trends reversed to achieve selected targets at city and slum settlement levels, we hope to provide a useful framework for anal...
Developed by Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Posted by Fabienne Perucca
Case studies and best practices