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This initiative is evolving, and actors like you are sharing these resources. You will find here the documents and tools collected so far.

A toolbox for Local Governments to implement SDG 5 on Gender Equality


This policy brief summarizes the findings from our investigation into SDG 5, and the efforts to turn this global goal into local policies and practice in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH). It offers a toollbox for Local Governments to implement SDG 5 on Gender Equality. You can also access the whole research report "Global talk-Lokal walk, SDG#5 on Gender Equality" at:

Related Publications

Women, Leadership and Development: from SDG 5 to Habitat III

Available in English

The full report on the session on "Women, Leadership and Development", held in Paris on 6 December in the framework of the COP21.

Developed by United Cities and Local Governments (UCL...

Posted by Local2030

Concept notes and papers

Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2017: World Development Indicators.

Available in English

The World Bank’s compilation of statistics from over 200 economies is built around World Development Indicators (WDI) - selected indicators have been identified and visualized to analyze trends and ch...

Developed by World Bank

Posted by Fabienne Perucca

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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