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Setting the Scene in Asia for SDGs Implementation at Local Level: Focus on SDG 8 – Local Economic Development

Case studies and best practices

This publication is a culmination of presentations,  discussions, and lessons learned during UCLG’s “Regional Workshop on SDG Learning Agenda for Local Government in the context of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC)”, held in Negombo, Sri Lanka.

Related Publications

Global goals for local priorities: The 2030 Agenda at local level. NORDREGIO REPORT 2018:2

Available in English

This report identifies 27 Nordic local authorities that are “first movers” in working with the 2030 Agenda and describes their priorities and activities. It also highlights challenges and success fact...

Developed by Nordregio

Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

Financial Management in a Local Government Association

Available in English

One of the most common challenges for local government associations (LGAs) around the world is to have enough financial resources to fulfil their core functions. These core functions are to represent...

Developed by VNG International

Posted by Fabienne Perucca

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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