Tools , Available in Español Português
The guide is formulated with the aim of serving as a practical tool so that political parties can guide the construction of their 2018-2022 government programs, in a manner articulated with the 2030 Agenda and its 17 SDGs. It also aims to be a simple tool for citizens to examine the government programs of political groups, in light of the commitment made by the country in the National Pact for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Available in Español Português
Associations of municipalities across the world are in different phases of development and thus organised very differently. Some associations have developed a whole range of activities offering their...
Available in Español Português
Este Libro Blanco de Democracia y Participación ciudadana quiere ser una propuesta compartida para la generación de valor público responsable en Euskadi. Por coherencia con este objetivo, hemos constr...
Developed by Eusko Jaurlariza - Gobierno Vasco
Posted by Local2030
Tools : Territorial / Multi-Stakeholder Approach