Tools , Available in Español
With the support of the UNDP ART Ecuador Programme and UN Women, the main national counterpart, the Technical Secretariat of International Cooperation (SETECI) and three national-level associations of sub-national governments (CONGOPE, AME and CONAGOPARE) have developed a tool to measure the effectiveness of development cooperation at the local level.
Available in English Español
This 2nd annual report from the SDSN ranks the 100 most populous metropolitan areas in the U.S. on the SDGs. It is particularly relevant for urban leaders whose engagement is crucial for sustainable...
Developed by Sustainable Development Solutions Networ...
Posted by Local2030
Case studies and best practices
Available in English Español
The 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs) will lead to transformational change only if governments take necessary steps to implement the goals and targets, create and disseminate national ind...