Concept notes and papers
From a didactic and informative perspective, this document seeks to gather the foundations that inspire current growth policies, both at European and global level, and that will have a clear translation to the national level and, therefore, also in the territorial space closest, the local. It is here, precisely, in the local territorial space, where this document has its motivation, aspiring to contribute to the "localization" of the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda for the area of the city of Malaga. The purpose of this document, therefore, is to propose a series of indicators, benchmarks and milestones that will guide us in the task of adapting, implementing and analyzing progress over time to achieve the proposed goals.
Available in Español
The Assembly of France - ADF - launched in June 2013, under the encouragement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the then Development, Pascal Canfin, a study on the international coope...
Developed by Assemblée des départements de France (AD...
Posted by Simon Letonturier
Guidance and systemization of experiences
Available in Español
This toolkit is a diagnostic instrument. It is intended for use primarily by town and city administrations. Other users are likely to include policy analysts and researchers. The toolkit has been des...
Developed by Cities Alliance, UNOPS, IPE Triple Line
Posted by Peter Rene Hohmann
Tools : Diagnostics