Guidance and systemization of experiences
This report focuses on a particular challenge that city leaders face in hacking the SDGs—data. Gaps in data that are generated locally or disaggregated from national sources to the local level are widely perceived as one of the main obstacles for cities to engage in the SDGs. This report investigates whether data are available to measure progress on the SDGs in urban areas in the United States.
Available in English
The call for a data revolution, expressed in the report of the UN Secretary-General's High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons in the lead up to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, has generated s...
Developed by Development Initiatives (DI)
Posted by Fabienne Perucca
Guidance and systemization of experiences
Available in English
The jobs and economy of the future will be urban. By 2030, 60% of the global population will live in cities. To ensure decent work and economic growth, local leaders face many challenges. Learn how...
Developed by United Cities and Local Governments (UCL...
Posted by Fabienne Perucca
Guidance and systemization of experiences