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Valuing the SDGs for Localization in Patiala, India

Case studies and best practices

The Community Systems Foundation’s OpenCities Institute worked with the City of Patiala in Punjab, India to develop a proof-of-concept city-level SDG data system, demonstrating the simplicity, feasibility, and value of subnational SDG monitoring through data visualization design and technology. This project was part of the LDA-SI 2018-2019 microgrant program.

Related Publications

Municipal Performance Mandala for local indicators

Available in English

The Municipal Performance Mandala is a "radar" type chart, which shows the degree of development of the Municipality according to 4 dimensions: economic, social, environmental and institutional. Twent...

Developed by Confederación Nacional dos Municípios e...

Posted by Santiago Martin

Concept notes and papers

Towards an open government: the adaptation process of ODS16 in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Available in English

This document presents the final report of the adaptation process of the Sustainable Development Goal 16 "Peace, justice and solid institutions" (SDG 16) in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA)...

Developed by Secretaría General y Relaciones Internac...

Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

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