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Guide to Implementing MDG Responsive Demonstration Projects

Guidance and systemization of experiences

Local governments seek innovative ideas and new approaches for dealing with their priority issues and concerns. A Demonstration Project is a relatively self-contained small-scale capital investment or technical assistance project, the purpose of which is to "demonstrate" a particular approach. The purpose of the guide is 1. to provide a learning framework for better solutions and approaches; 2. To focus on "action"; 3. To facilitate replication and up-scaling of innovative approaches.

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Local Development and Decent Work Resource Kit

Available in English

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Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

SAN JOSÉ Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals at the Local Level

Available in English

The purpose of this report is to describe efforts within the City of San José, as part of the USA Sustainable Cities Initiative, to examine how the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) could serv...

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Case studies and best practices

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