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Urban-LEDS: Cities in Action. 2012-2016 Final Report: Low Emission Development in Brazil, India, Indonesia and South Africa

Case studies and best practices

The Urban-LEDS project supported local governments in emerging economies to make the right choices when addressing local development. By exploring innovative approaches to involve stakeholders, develop low emissions development scenarios and improve institutional capacity to plan, act and monitor, ICLEI and UN-Habitat have guided first steps in several cities.

Related Publications

The SDGs at city level: Mumbai's example

Available in English

By identifying in what areas progress needs to be accelerated or existing trends reversed to achieve selected targets at city and slum settlement levels, we hope to provide a useful framework for anal...

Developed by Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca

Case studies and best practices

Localization of SDGs in Tanganyika - Provincial Report

Available in English

Developed with technical and financial support from UNDP as part of a participatory and inclusive process, this report presents the SDG priorities of the North Kivu province that rhyme with its specif...

Developed by Province de Tanganyika (RDC), UDNP

Posted by Fabienne Perucca

Case studies and best practices

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