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Value Chain Development for Decent Work: How to create employment and improve working conditions in targeted sectors


The guide gives a overview of the ILO Value Chain Development approach. It looks at market dynamics and relationships between the different actors in the chain with the objective of strengthening the whole market system - enterprises, business relationships, financial networks, supporting functions, rules and norms, and the business environment – in a way that ensures greater benefits for the poor from economic growth and development.

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Available in English

This report introduces a screening tool called the Framework for Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD). It aims to provide practical support to any government interested in adapting its...

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Posted by Local2030

Tools : Strategies and Plans

Localizing climate finance: mapping gaps and opportunities, designing solutions

Available in English

In order to develop a common language on subnational climate finance and sustainable projects, this report briefly identified the relevant issues (carbon taxes and incentives, carbon markets, green bo...

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Guidance and systemization of experiences

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