Guidance and systemization of experiences
The ILO Value Chain Development approach looks at market dynamics and relationships between the different actors in the chain with the objective of strengthening the whole market system - enterprises, business relationships, financial networks, supporting functions, rules and norms, and the business environment – in a way that ensures greater benefits for the poor from economic growth and development. This “Rough Guide to Value Chain Development” has been developed in collaboration with the DANIDA funded Responsible Business programme in Myanmar to give a simplified overview of the Value Chain Development approach as applied by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Available in English
This document reflects the results of the survey conducted by the CoR and the OECD on Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the regional and urban level. The survey p...
Developed by European Committee of the Regions (CoR)...
Posted by Local2030
Case studies and best practices
Available in English
In 2015, as part of a program called the USA Sustainable Cities Initiative (USA-SCI), Baltimore was selected as one of three US cities to pilot implementation of 17 SDGs. The Baltimore Neighborhood In...
Developed by University of Baltimore, UN Sustainable...
Posted by Fabienne Perucca
Case studies and best practices