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Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance – Local Elected Leadership Series Volume 3 – Concepts and Strategies: for each of the roles and competencies

Guidance and systemization of experiences , Available in Português

The Local Elected Leadership (LEL) series presents two roles and ten competencies essential for every elected official to effectively perform their job when serving local communities. The series contains many training exercises and tools that can be used as practical on-the-job guide long after the leadership training workshop has ended.

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Ecuador and Development Agenda 2030

Available in English Português

Folding presentation of the new Development Agenda 2030 and the contribution of Ecuador to achieve the ODS

Developed by United Nations Development Programme

Posted by Local2030

Concept notes and papers

Progressing national SDGs implementation; An independent assessment of the VNR reports submitted to the UN HLPF in 2017

Available in English Português

This review documents and analyses the 42 English, French and Spanish VNR reports submitted in 2017 to the HLPF, as well as a sample of civil society reports also produced in 2017 for the HLPF. It i...

Developed by Action for Sustainable Development, Bond...

Posted by Fabienne Perucca

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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