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Strengthen local tax revenue to finance urban development in Africa

Guidance and systemization of experiences

This publication illuminates, through eight case studies of various African cities, the prominence of local taxation in the structure of local budgets and the importance of upgrading the latter for wider access to other sources of additional funding as loans. From locally tested solutions and bottlenecks frequently raised by local elected representatives and their technical teams, training workshops will be provided current 2015 for local authorities and their partners.

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The SDGs at city level: Mumbai's example

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Developed by Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Posted by Fabienne Perucca

Case studies and best practices

Medenine region guidelines for the location of MDGs

Available in Français

In order to meet the challenges, to promote integrated and sustainable development in Tunisia and to alleviate territorial inequalities, the development strategy of the Medenine Governorate formulated...

Developed by Programme de Nations Unies pour le Dével...

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Strategies and Plans

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