Guidance and systemization of experiences
The "Road Map for location of the Sustainable Development Goals: implementation and monitoring at the subnational level," and based on that was originally developed by the Global Task Force on Local and Regional Governments, UNDP and UN-Habitat to support cities and regions the fulfillment of agenda 2030. the document is a tool for the location of the Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to provide support to local and regional governments for the implementation of agenda 2030 at the local level. It also presents strategies that can be adapted to specific contexts and needs of different cities and regions. More than a mere translation into Portuguese, the document was adapted to the Brazilian context, including good practices of UN agencies in Brazil in initiatives involving the location of ODS.
Available in Português
This practical publication presents the Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment (AIA) tool of the Republic of Korea's Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission (ACRC). AIA combines qualitative and quant...
Developed by Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commiss...
Posted by Local2030
Tools : Monitoring and Evaluation
Available in Português
The region of Latin America and the Caribbean has been working for two years to forge a regional approach, shared among the countries and aimed at setting its own course for implementing the 2030 Agen...
Developed by Economic Commission for Latin America an...
Posted by Local2030
Guidance and systemization of experiences