L France is committed to sustainable development by signing its promotion by public policies in the Charter of the environment, backed by the Constitution and operationally by the enactment of laws to protect the environment and the transition ecological and energy of our development model. The adoption in 2015 of the national ecological transition strategy towards sustainable development (SNTEDD) confirms this desire and commitment. The "sustainable development" report provides, firstly, a policy review, programs and public actions including those conducted under the management of the assets, operations and internal activities related to sustainable development and the guidelines and policies coming to improve the situation and, secondly, an analysis of governance processes implemented by the community to develop, conduct and evaluate its work. Therefore, this report puts into perspective for each community, the results of his action and strategic options for the future and reflected in its budget model. This document is intended to facilitate the development and drafting of such a report. It shows the spirit of the legislation and its decree, develops content, precise timing, method offers items and answers to the most frequently asked questions by local authorities and provides key references currently available.
Available in Français
From a didactic and informative perspective, this document seeks to gather the foundations that inspire current growth policies, both at European and global level, and that will have a clear translati...
Developed by Fundación CIEDES y Analistas Económicos...
Posted by Local2030
Concept notes and papers
Available in Français
This publication describes Utrecht’s approach to localising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs or Global Goals) outlined in the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The aim is...