Guidance and systemization of experiences , Available in Español Français
The publication “The Sustainable Development Goals: What Local Governments Need toKnow” explains how each of the 17 SDGs relates to the daily work of local and regional governments. It also lists the most relevant targets of each goal to local governments and highlights the relationship between the goals and other international agendas, such as climate change and Habitat III.
Available in English Español Français
This paper addresses theses and recommendations discussed in the scope of the 5th International Workshop on Domestic Revenue Mobilisation (13-14 September 2016) at the German Development Institute /...
Developed by German Development Institute / Deutsches...
Posted by Fabienne Perucca
Concept notes and papers
Available in English Español Français
The economies and populations of many of the world’s 48 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are growing and some LDCs expect to graduate to middle income country status during the next ten years. Econo...
Developed by United Nations Capital Development Fund...
Posted by Fabienne Perucca
Case studies and best practices