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Learning Cities and the SDGs: A Guide to Action

Tools , Available in Español Français

This Guide to Action highlights concrete approaches to the development of green and healthy learning cities, equitable and inclusive learning cities, and decent work and entrepreneurship in learning cities. The document seeks to facilitate the process of transforming global goals into local actions by showing concrete steps, which members of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) have taken to promote green and healthy environments, equity and inclusion as well as decent work and entrepreneurship. It includes examples of good practice, which demonstrate the diversity of initiatives and reflect the manifold contexts and development stages in which cities operate. The guiding questions highlight some important issues related to the respective thematic areas. Along with a selection of related Key Features of Learning Cities and Sustainable Development Goals, this can serve cities as a basic tool to self-assess their ongoing activities and define their potential need for action.

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Available in English Español Français

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Concept notes and papers

Towards the localization of the SDGs

Available in English Español Français

This Report explores the involvement of Local and Regional Governments (LRGs) in the ‘localization’ of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Following UN guidelines, it complements the Voluntary N...

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Guidance and systemization of experiences

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