The Urban targets and indicators provides information on targets and indicators of SDG 11, as well as its interlinkages with other SDGs. Furthermore, it can be found on the navigation panel a case study of the subnational data landscape in Japan and the Philippines.
Visit WebsiteAvailable in English
The Metabolism of Cities website collects information useful to researchers involved in Urban Metabolism (UM) research. The principal sections are Publications and Research, Data, Stakeholders Init...
Developed by Metabolism of Cities, www.metabolismofci...
Posted by Gabriela Fernandez
Tools : Diagnostics
Available in English
This report is a consolidated reply to the e-discussion on Mainstreaming Migration into Local Policy Planning carried out by the Joint Migration and Development Initiative in order to explore how loca...
Developed by Joint Migration and Development Initiati...
Posted by Joanne Irvine
Case studies and best practices