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Peg. Tracking progress, inspiring action


The City of Winnipeg has launched a municipal data portal to benchmark progress and inspire action aligned explicitly with the SDGs. Peg’s tagline is “Tracking Progress, Inspiring Action.” Peg is a central source for tracking the indicators that matter the most to our city and its well-being. By tracking those indicators, we can celebrate our successes as well as inspire individuals and groups throughout our city to take action where it’s needed most.

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Related Publications

Localising the 2030 Agenda in Colombia

Available in English

The paper specifically outlines the main steps taken in Colombia to mainstream and implement the Agenda as well as to follow up and communicate progress towards achieving the SDGs. It is based on offi...

Developed by The Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

Measuring the effectiveness of development cooperation at the local level – Ecuador

Available in English

With the support of the UNDP ART Ecuador Programme and UN Women, the main national counterpart, the Technical Secretariat of International Cooperation (SETECI) and three national-level associations of...

Developed by United Nations Development Programme (UN...

Posted by Local2030

Tools : Development Cooperation Effectiveness

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