Guidance and systemization of experiences
This document is the result of a series of experiments conducted at the MDL on partnerships between players in the private sectors and local officials in the management of market infrastructure created under the Local Economic Development Fund (CEDF) set implemented with the support of PADEL / PNDL.
Available in Français
The paper specifically outlines the main steps taken in Colombia to mainstream and implement the Agenda as well as to follow up and communicate progress towards achieving the SDGs. It is based on offi...
Available in Français
In this publication, UNDP presents the status of the location of the 2030 Agenda at the subnational level in Mexico. In particular, it seeks to systematize the installation and operationalization proc...
Developed by Programa de las Naciones Unidas en Méxic...
Posted by Stephan Visser
Guidance and systemization of experiences