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Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for Sustainable Development Goals: Launching a data revolution for the SDGs

Guidance and systemization of experiences

Indicators will be the backbone of monitoring progress towards the SDGs at the local, national, regional, and global levels. A sound indicator framework will turn the SDGs and their targets into a management tool to help countries develop implementation strategies and allocate resources accordingly, as well as a report card to measure progress towards sustainable development and help ensure the accountability of all stakeholders for achieving the SDGs.

Related Publications

Ecuador and Development Agenda 2030

Available in English

Folding presentation of the new Development Agenda 2030 and the contribution of Ecuador to achieve the ODS

Developed by United Nations Development Programme

Posted by Local2030

Concept notes and papers

Reference framework for Policy Coherence for Development in the Basque Country

Available in English

Policy Coherence to advance towards a more human and sustainable development is a challenge for all governments and administrations, from which the Basque Government cannot absent itself. The Basque G...

Developed by Basque Government- Gobierno Vasco- Eusko...

Posted by Camila De

Tools : Strategies and Plans

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