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The Paris Climate Package: A Basic Guide for Local and Subnational Governments

Concept notes and papers

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) has developed this guide for local and subnational governments to address four key questions: 1. The road towards COP21: What processes led to the recognition and engagement of local and subnational governments in the Paris Climate Package? 2. Local and subnational governments at COP21 in Paris: How did local leaders engage in Paris? 3. Key outcomes of the 2015 Paris Climate Package: What does the Paris Climate Package mean for local and subnational governments? 4. Accompanying the implementation of the Paris Climate Package through integrated local transformation: What steps should local and subnational governments take to support implementation of the Paris Climate Package?

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Posted by Local2030

Case studies and best practices

Policy Innovations for Transformative Change: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Available in English

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Posted by Local2030

Guidance and systemization of experiences

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